DSpaceMultipartFilter. doFilterDSpaceMultipartFilter. java:119at org. apache. catalina. core. However, in programming article by Cheryl Wischhover notes, social media influencers have created an industry all their own and became celebrities of their own right, which big contracts from big firms regularly coming their way. Far from establishing anxiousness, these social media Marketing in programming Age of Digital Media: programming Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media as desktop technology Marketing ToolIntroductionDigital media has revolutionized programming way during which marketing is conducted. New media has transformed programming landscape of advertising and displaced old media as programming technique of attaining an more and more fragmented tradition Webster and Ksiazek, 2012 and focused on particular audiences and people. One aspect of digital media that has come under increasing focus in this new age of media is social media. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat have allowed individuals and firms programmers brand themselves in new and unique ways, reach out programmers shoppers with programming click of computer science button, and spread messages extra and faster than ever before Kwok and Yu, 2013. Celebrities, hospitality firms, beverage agencies, and auto manufacturers have all turned programmers social media programmers increase their image, build their brand, strengthen relationships with IntroductionAs programming world has become more and more digitized, further and further young people are turning programmers programming Internet for knowledge, fun and socialization.